Tower light house in India is important for navigation


Posing to the Camera inside a light house in Valiya Azikkalbeach kollam


Electronic Chart Display Information System (ECDIS)

A Majority of Cargo Ships, Tanker , Passenger Ship and Mega Yachts used ECDIS in vessels contain Appropriate electronic charts for the vessels intended voyage

ECDIS display RNC charts in Raster and EBC charts in vectar graphics pictures

In RNC  , the digitial image are scanned digitally from paper charts to electronic format . .The Geographic all features are added to the electronic charts allowing it to use in  voyage . RNC integrate the GPS and raster chart display system . The traditional nautical chart will scan the digitialy the entire route where ECN is not available .

Large scale RNC map will display the depth, berth in a route

The disadvantage of the RNC is the limited data , Alarm and warning functionality where as ENC is had many sub data  to a object

Image resolution is lower for visibility in RNC as it is digitally scanned where as visibility is clear to ENC as the text are in straight line and the density of data can be reduced for visibility by switching if many other data

RNC is less robotic and automatic when compared to the ENC

The primary source is ENC and Secondary source is RNC due to chart functionality

The ENC data base of informatiin is used if the data is available

All data in RNC is presented in the ENC with more information of object available like clicking on the lift house symbol will display the specification on other parts

Great utility and flexibity of ENC data as the data screen can be changed by switching of many data that is not needs for visibility

Data of the vectar charts are collected from government agencies like IHO  where data is S57 and vectar data are in S63

There is far few limits in ENC graphical data and the map will display route beyond the journey and distance to be covered with surrounding area by zooming in and out of the screen

Increase the limits of data use with more data information, alarm and safety data

Vectar charts use WSG84 and global Navigation satellite system

Convertion of Paper Raster Navigation charts to Satellite  electronic Navigation charts with more  symbols and Abbreviations pasted on Satellite images is developing new  RNC to ENC  maps 

 RNC and ENC digitial GIS jobs with symbols and abbreviations on IHO and INT projects that connect different data together for giving updated information on ship sailing directions. CES , Tidal tables, list of lights  in guass conformaAAl cylindrical projection on WGS84  data for accurate positing of places 

The Mapping of the Navigation charts and Map consist of  digitial maps and the layout of the digitial maps . the development of the map is based on 

Chart Number, Title and Marginal Notes
Position, Distance   Directions  

Topography is on Natural Features, Cultural features, landmark, ports
Hydrography is the Tides and current.  Depth, Nature of Sea Beds , Rocks, Wreck and obstruction, offshore Installation , Tracks and Routes , Area and Limits .

Navigation Aids and Services is on Lights , Buoys and Beacon, Fog Signals , Radar, Radio and Satellite Navigation System

The legends and abbreviations are 
1  Ferry network , boat routes 
2. Coastline and different types of coatlune shores 
3 boundaries network consisting of lakes 
4 Road network  consisting of cities 
5 Street address data base 
6 crossing and bridges with vertical and horizontal distance 
7 depth of basin, rocks in contours spot height and approximate height , danger lines 
8 different types of sea walls 
9 . cliffs, riffs, glaciers lava , hillocks , rocky surface, 
10 overhead transponder, cables , pipelines 
11 tourist places, islands, ciorel reefs 
12 under construction site 
13 fishing, harbours 
14 military eccercise 
15. Tides winds , zoning of places. water levels canals, buoys and beacons 
16  lighting and light place
17 oil fields , mining  radar, 
18 railway pines , airports , tunnels, anchors 


The Sim of the INS and E- Navigation , is to enhance  the safety of the navigation and providing vital information , by collecting information in a user friendly manner for the navigator

E- Navigation and Integrated Navigation system  is developed to reduce the gap between a navigator and communication center office by means of communication device and to avoid geographic, traffic and environmental hazards

INS is their by a multi function display that scan and integrated with the navigation tasks / functions that monitors data comprising of 

1 Route Monitoring 
2 Collision Avoidance 
3. Provide Manual and / or Automatic Navigation control functions 

The INS Navigation semsors 

1 Electronic Position Fixing System 
2 Heading Control System
3 Depth Sensor 
4 Speed and distance Measurement 
5 Collision Avoidance 
6 Route planning and monitoring 
7 Track control system

The Navigator uses the integrated Navigation System for the safe passage by the visual and data in the chart .The Intergrated Navigation system is used to plan a methodology for the safe passage 

1. To know the position of the ship and surrounding in the route 
2. To scan the location by maps in the integrated navigation system when the visibility in less in night to track the route and surrounding places 
3 E Navigation System in the integrated Navigation system give a glance of enter data in the route and can be scanned from left to right and center to left and center to right
4. The time taken in a route depend on the traffic in the route , surrounding area if the ship like bad weather , obstacle in the route mapped even if the distance is less or speed .

E- Navigation is to improve the electronic communication exchange to Enhance Berth to Berth Navigation, to promote safety , security and environment, and to increase efficiency in Maritime transports 

The Navigation data base consist of Route  symbols and AbbreviationsAbbreviations in 1:50000k scale intergrated navigation system 

Preprocessing , digitizing , data charting , symbols and abbreviation the charts in GPS location giving the location. , distance ,  height , depth.  ,route , geographical elevation by contours. Tidal path, inland navigation, cabals, forest and urban area  from  RNC to satellite  ENC

The symbols and Abbreviations

Triangular point, Observation point, fixed point, Bench Mark, Boundary Mark, distance along  waterways visible and not visible,

Symbols with text in center and  bottom, point symbols , Accurate and approximate symbols , International nautical miles is 1832 Miles , Special characters

Coastline surveyed and not surveyed , flat coast , sandy shore, stony shore , Sand hills , Dunes, international boundary on land and sea. , sea walls, territorial sea base line, beaches

Contour lines with spot and approximate height or depth , Contour form lines , drying contours depth

Trees height , woods, decidious tree, cornifirous tree , palm, nipo palm, casuarinas, filao, Rucalypt, Mangrove,

Cliffs Hillocks, Marsh, swamos, Reedbeds ,park

Urban, settlements , inland villages.  Building, important building, build up areas , street names, road names, ruined lands. Motorways. Roads, railway and stations, cutting, embankment , tunnels , airports, heliports, bridge vertical and horizontal clearance , opening bridges. Swing bridges, lifting bridges, bascule bridges, pontoon bridges, DRW bridge, transponder bridge,

City , public building , telegraph and telephone offices , causeway, inland bridges , stadium, landmarks, factory , water tank, light house, church, church tower, church spur, church oupola, chapels, cross, calvary. Temple, pagoda. Shrine. House, Buddhist temple, mosque. martabul, cemetary , town, water tank, chimney. Monuments , windmill, wind turbine. Wind motors. Wind farms. radar, television.  Towers, radar towers, scanner, dish aerial, tanker site, fortified structure, forts, castle, mines, caravan sites , campus sites ,

Overhead cables. Transponders, Aerial cables , power cables. Telephone, telegram, pipe, pipeline on land and sea

Eddles, tidal stream data, narrow channels, depth, drying water course , tide way, dredged channel,  shallow water area.

Rivers , interninent rivers. Rapids, Waterfall, delta, Lakes and salt lakes,

Glaciers and lava

Marine fish,  fish trap area , shell fish beds ,

Oilfield, wind farm, wind turbine, oil derick, oil and gas , submerged production well, suspended well

Rocks, rock height. Wreck. Instruction piles, under water turbine, danger lines , Area of stone and  gravels, cirel reeds, islands, shell weeds , spring in sea ,

Radar, radar area. Radio reporting lines ,

Ferry, cable ferry

Berth,  Anchorages in no and names, tanker Anchorage. Explosive anchorage.  Quarantine anchorage. Reserved Anchorage. Sea plane, sea plane anchorage ,

Fishing prohibited , environment srnsive area. Bord sanctuary area. Sea park, marine reserve , limits of fishing in restricted waters , obstruction and limits

Mine & explosives. Dumping ground,  degaussing range. Speed limits, firing & military practices   mine laying, submarine mine field ,custom limit, harbour limits, ice , sea ice, floating barriers, dredging, diving prohibited,

Lights , light house, lighter horw , lighted beacon tour. Navigation lights, ports, signal station, refugee office, boarding, AIS and AIG , fig lights, buoys

RNC - Raster Nautical charts

ENC - Vectar Electronic Nautical Charts 


Route map by SUEZ CANAL

Route map from RUSSIA to EUROPE


1. Sub - Submitting a Report on Developing Light House  for various use 
2. Tower Light House  and the Big Ocean ( Making Light house a important part of navigation in India
3. Senting alert signal to large number of people and travellors where the population density is higher

In this mail I had updated the drawing with yellow and red light Tower light house from Land to  sea . Attached the drawing or images . In the tower a rotating fan can fixed and as per the speed of the fan the light colors can be changed

Light House in Coastline Area that is very useful to Communicate with the Ship, Trawlers , fisher manes by the light house signal .
In day today life the coastline is open to lot of weather changes like snow, mist, rain , wind etc . The Means of communication with the people living in the coastline is the radio, TV etc to alert them by message . But this light house can be used for many reason .to alert people who are in sea and shore.
1. The light of the light house can be used to give signal to the ship, boats that is stuck in the sea in cyclones and winds ,
2. The light house can give danger signal to the small boats , Big boats, coastline people by the red lights or changing the color of lights .
3. To give signal to the small boats to move away the ship path due to incoming and out coming of ship to and from alerting the small boasts to move away from port path for ship movement like the road signal will reduce boat and ship collision .
This way Light house which was used for communicating only with ships to give direction can be used to give danger alert signal to all in the coastline and sea resources in the map by placing the light house in every corner of the ports and cities , fish harbors, , and to control the traffic and accidents in the sea .

Flash flood and war alert light house

In the event of flash floods and war in border area the light house is  showing danger signal to people in the valley and to military camps in other area , as flash flood or war happens the signal from light house can be visible to large density of people to take rescue in other places and  in stay  secure places before the bullet or floods reaches in there location

In this picture below I had attached tower light house , that can be used in coastline replacing the old tower lights that is a ghost house now ,

Kindly reply after verify the report and image file attached . 

Attached tour    file on tower light house (aa.jpg, bb.jpg, download.jpg)


Georgie s Cherian 

